"Tell Me Something Good is an evening of disparate characters entangled in high stakes moments of self doubt -- some trivial, most life threatening, some bordering on life ending. Cefaly has an intimate understanding of human suffering and examines the ache of life in these tender stories with the most ordinary of characters."
- Jack Cannon, Professor of Theatre, University of Alabama at Birmingham

The play has been compared to the likes of Almost Maine for its deep, intimate character work and large cast size. It is perfect for high schools and colleges.
What does it mean to be truly "seen" by another? Many of us wander around this big, scary world emotionally and spiritually depleted. We convince ourselves that we've run out of chances, that we'll never get it back (whatever "it" is), that we are too weird, too broken, or utterly invisible. We convince ourselves that we are unlovable, undesirable, or destined to be alone. This is a big myth, of course, the debunking of which is at the root of every love story ever told. That is why human connection is so vital. To be "seen" by another—truly seen—affirms that we are here, we are alive, we exist.
TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD attempts to explore and consider all the ways that we get lost in the world. It is a collection of intertwining, pathos-rich character studies in the form of duets and monologues, all traversing the landscape of the human condition—love, desire, ache, longing, disillusionment, loneliness—and the power of human connection. Every character is experiencing something of an existential tipping point. A beautiful, meaningful piece of theatre that will leave its audience touched and then moved by its sublime reach.
Cefaly is known for her character-driven narratives. Read about her much-loved collection LOVE IS A BLUE TICK HOUND, another large-cast play.
large flexible cast size
modular scene flow and design
deep character work
LGBTQ representation
at least two roles specifically for people of color
opportunity to collaborate directly with the playwright
uniquely suited to the complex needs of schools and colleges
CAST OF CHARACTERS (8-24) flex-casting
Greetings teachers and directors of college and high school theater!
The play is designed in a modular fashion to allow flexibility in cast size while giving each actor at least one scene or standalone monologue along with opps for doubling. I invite requests to trim and edit the script for the unique needs of your production, just send me a note via my contact page with your proposed edits.
A minimum cast size of 8 is recommended
The duets have great roles for 8-12 (some are optional, see below)
the monologues are optional
DUETS (required)
WALTER & ANNA - a shy single father and his young daughter
LINA & ROBERTO - a waitress and a dishwasher
GARRISON & NATE - a lobbyist and an editor
MAX & TESSA - a writer and a stage manager
(may be done by "doubling" with other roles)
NARRATOR - this role should be divided up among the actors
CHRISSY - a grocery store cashier; a kind woman
MEGAN JONES - Walter's manager
LOLA - Walter's sister
JACK - a young house manager
MINOR ROLES (required)
(should be done by "doubling" with larger roles)
NED - a clerk at the DMV
ADULT ANNA - Walter's daughter
THERAPIST - Walter's therapist
CARL - Walter's neighbor
LARA - a girl from Walter's childhood
MISS TIPTON - Walter's elementary school teacher
ZEPHYR - a little boy at the DMV
A WOMAN at the DMV
MICHAEL & ARIEL - an "invisible" man and a "hugger"
BOB & MAGGIE - 2 divorcees
SUE - a nurse
BETTY - a newly single woman
MISS V - a teacher
GERALD - a queer man looking to adopt a child
LA-MARCUS - a young black soldier writes home to his brother
RICKY - a high school senior making a sexual assault complaint
plus many more...